The Salty Birds that Prove Oyster Growing is an Art: Pelican Oyster Co.

It’s May - that special time of year for sunshine, blooming flowers, and grilling on the back porch. Oysters on the grill are such a sultry thing to eat! If cooked just right, their hearty bodies and briny liquor are a refreshing treat to kick off the season.
One of my favorite grilled oyster experiences was down in Pensacola, Florida at Peat & Pearls, which showcased a number of incredible oyster farms in the Gulf of Mexico. Pelican Oyster Co. was a crowd favorite. Topped with andouille butter that had been aged for one and a half years in pork sausage casing, a “Salty Bird’s” brine and the butter’s meaty flavors were a winning combination.
Cainnon Gregg, Owner of Pelican Oyster Co. was a former Artist before starting his oyster farm, which proved to all of us that oyster farming, like a blank canvas ready for brush strokes, takes a lot of patience, time, creativity, and love. Here is a flipbook of Pelican Oyster Co.’s Salty Birds, as well as the familial heritage behind the name, “Pelican.” I hope you’ll seek out their oysters and enjoy the experience.